I sure would like to know what guide lines moderators use to accept DXthemes. When I make a theme I try to upload a working theme. And to me a working theme is one that requires very little modification by the user to have a working desktop. I go to the trouble to name all objects so if the user ever has to find it in the objects list they can find it easily. I list all the most popular programs in the menus. If it's a text list I always put some text on the menu so the user can just clone the text and choose the program .exe and chance the name to the desired program. I include DXplayer, meters. time, weather and calendar. The themes usually received a rating of 2 .5 from the mods. a couple received a rating of 3. Well I accept the rating mainly because there is nothing I can do about it. Here lately it seems skinners are doing less and less all the time and still receiving 2.5 to 3 rating. But today I saw a DXtheme that was approved with a rating of 3 and all the skin had was task bar, system tray, clock and a few lines of text. And most of them didn't even bring up any programs. Oh it also had a couple of blank menus. Even the author of the skin stated it was an unfinished skin and wanted people to tell him if it was worth finishing and even listed 2 know problems with it. And the text is in a different language which is ok except there isn't any tool tips to let you know what will happen when clicking on the object. So you have to click on it to see what it does.... BIG surprise it shuts the computer down.

Are we now able to upload unfinished work and ask the users. Do you like my work, should I finish it..

It is not fair to the customers of Wincustomize to approve unfinished work to be downloaded.

So I ask you JUST WHAT do you use as a guide line when you approve a skin. I really would like to know because I have spent the last 3 years trying to figure it out.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 30, 2007
Are we now able to upload unfinished work and ask the users. Do you like my work, should I finish it..

I have seen some 'incomplete' windowblinds make it through moderation. This is the first I have heard of a DXTheme. As much scripting as is involved and the potential some scripts have for doing things to and with your set-up that can be quite frustrating if not done right or completely, I am surprised.

It would be nice if there was a gallery or specific forum thread for 'work in progress' where people could get help, tips, etc.
on Apr 30, 2007
Don't know for the guide lines that's not my work

But for me there are no high mater he clearly said that his DX is in build...
Just few things i think about this:

i think it's possible to upload a skin/theme to show only in your gallery (never try in general it's mod who put my walls here ), thus that's could be better in this kind of case to upload to your gallery and make a post in forum to allow users with experience to help you.

I'm gonna to send him a mail to give him some tips/links.
on Apr 30, 2007
It would be nice if there was a gallery or specific forum thread for 'work in progress' where people could get help, tips, etc.

An excellent idea

But for me there are no high mater he clearly said that his DX is in build...

Yes he did. So it should never have been approved for download..

I'm gonna to send him a mail to give him some tips/links.

Always a friend willing to help.. Your a good person my friend.
on Apr 30, 2007
There is no "carved in stone" definition of what MUST be contained in a DX Theme. It is widely open to interpretation. Due to the vast, unlimited flexibility of DX, I think it would be impossible to set minimum standards either.
on Apr 30, 2007
There is no "carved in stone" definition of what MUST be contained in a DX Theme. It is widely open to interpretation. Due to the vast, unlimited flexibility of DX, I think it would be impossible to set minimum standards either.

I realize that they or us can't define what is to be included in the theme. But you have to have some standards as to what constitutes a theme. The skin I am talking about can barley by the stretch of the imagination be called a theme. Wincustomize has a rating for every skin that is uploaded. The rating is suppose to reflect on the quality of the skin. Graphics, over all usability of the skin , workman ship. It is suppose to be an indicator of the quality of the skin no matter if it's a DXtheme or a WB or any other skin. If the same rating is applied to a skin with very little usefulness or aesthetics (yes I know the pretty part of the theme is up to each persons likes and dislikes) what good is the ratings? Where is the incentive for the skinner to make great themes. And now this is where some one is going to tell me downloads don't mean a thing... Well I say bull pucky. If downloads didn't mean any thing then there wouldn't be all the squabbles about what other people do to get more downloads.. Yes I know that skinners skin to share with others but I am not naive enough to believe that's the only reason that they skin. The rating system is in place and it will stay in place. But if your going to have a rating at least let it be uniform and fair What good does it do for a user to look at the rating when the skin could be Great or a skin that doesn't function well because the rating doesn't really reflect the function or usability of the skin?
on Apr 30, 2007
The rating is suppose to reflect on the quality of the skin

I wish that in a better world my friend but here it's the customers who set the rating of skins we can't love all the same things all the time. And many of them don't know how made a skin/theme or are beginners thus the rating system is good but don't show really the quality or the less quality of a skin.
on Apr 30, 2007
I wish that in a better world my friend but here it's the customers who set the rating of skins we can't love all the same things all the time. And many of them don't know how made a skin/theme or are beginners thus the rating system is good but don't show really the quality or the less quality of a skin.

The mods are the one's that give the first ratings before it is available for download. After that the users can give the skin a rating if

they want to. But only if they buy something from stardock or buy a subscription. But IMHO it should be the user who rates the work after all they are the ones who use the skins..

thus the rating system is good but don't show really the quality or the less quality of a skin.

Then I ask again what good is the rating?

on Apr 30, 2007
It's been argued over and over in a thousand threads. The ratings are here to stay. Post your work here or don't.

It is what it is.
on Apr 30, 2007
It's been argued over and over in a thousand threads. The ratings are here to stay. Post your work here or don't.

Yes I know the ratings are here to stay. I even said that very same thing in reply 5. And thank you for pointing out that I can post my work or not.

The statements I made about the ratings were just part of my post It wasn't intended to be the focal point of my post. It just seems like the mods keep rating the DXthemes the same regardless of the quality of the skin. If some one can upload an unfinished skin and have it pass moderation how long will it be before we have a bunch of new skinners uploading unfinished work asking the users to help fix their skins and tell them if the skin is worth finishing. And what about the user that downloads the unfinished skin. Is it fair to them to download something that might cause problems. Users shouldn't have to deal with that. I know they are getting it for free. But the user should still be able to download a good useable skin.
on Apr 30, 2007
It would be nice if there was a gallery or specific forum thread for 'work in progress' where people could get help, tips, etc.

Good idea PO!
on Apr 30, 2007
The same thing happens in the logons and probably most of the other libraries. You know the DX library better, I know the Logon library a LOT better.

It's just going to be that way. A logon that only works with one resolution, or none, with default buttons and a wallpaper that looks so pixelated you could use the grain to start a beach with will get the same or close to the same ratings as others with much more work.

Just create work that you are proud of, post it, and leave it alone.
on Apr 30, 2007
Murex I agree totally with what you are saying, an admitted unfinished work in my opinion should not have been allowed to be uploaded. The author in question would have been better off asking in forums etc for testers and if anyone was willing to help sort out the stated problems he is having. For a moderator to give an unfinished work the same rating as other finished and more polished skins is a slap in the face for many. Ratings DO matter to people otherwise there wouldn't be so many complaints, arguments, marriage breakups, suicides over them.

Many times on many threads a WIP gallery has been mooted, I guess its falling on deaf ears.

Post your work here or don't.

Not a response I would've expected from you Boss. Passive acceptance is not always the way to go, just ask the sheep.
on Apr 30, 2007
Just create work that you are proud of, post it, and leave it alone

I am proud of the work that I upload other wise i wouldn't upload it. I am just stating how I feel about posting an unfinished theme for download and the fact the it was given a high rating. And asked a simple question. What guide lines does a moderator use to rate a DXtheme. So far no one has come up with an answer.

Many times on many threads a WIP gallery has been mooted, I guess its falling on deaf ears.

Well shucks buzz maybe this is the starting of a WIP gallery. Just upload any unfinished work, Out line your problems in the description area and ask for help. And don't forget to ask if it's worth your effort to continue working on it
on Apr 30, 2007
It would be nice if there was a gallery or specific forum thread for 'work in progress' where people could get help, tips, etc.

I agree with this as well...rather than uploading "works in progress" that could just turn off some unsuspecting visitor from downloading anything else...thinking the standards are poor...having a thread for this kind of stuff is a great idea. Personally....anything that is knowingly unfinished...and is to the point of shutting down someones pc should not be approved to be uploaded to any gallery. First impressions can make or break a website.
on Apr 30, 2007

The same thing happens in the logons and probably most of the other libraries. You know the DX library better, I know the Logon library a LOT better


I rate most between 4-6, have rated some 3's and some 7's and a couple 8's, but most are the same, 5-6 as they are average.  How many screen captures from games do you want to rate high?  How many animies do you rate high?  Not much goes into making the pic. 

Same with walls, boots.  How many houses on the prairie do you rate high?  How many squirlies do you rate high?  How many clouds over green grass do you rate high?  Seen one ya almost seen them all.  If they are unique, I rate them higher and feature them.  If they are the same old same, well.....

Now, don't think I'am different.  Most will tell you the same thing.

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